All members of the SHA may add garden-related events for free. Outside vendors and organizations may add an event for the rate of $30 per event or join one of the many Saskatchewan Horticultural Societies to post for free.
Contact: with your event information.
Please be sure to include:
- Event Name
- Tell people about your event. e.g. ‘My Garden Club’s Spring Sale’ rather than just ‘Spring Sale’
- Event Location
- Price (if applicable)
- Contact Info
- Club Name
- Event Image/Poster (if available)
- Image Limits: Max File Size: 500 kB, Width: 200-800 px, Height: 50-600 px
Please note: PDF files are not images, they must be converted/exported as a JPG, JPEG or PNG first. Ensure any images used are copyright free or public domain or your own images. You can use images from non-copyrighted image repositories such as UnSplash, Pixabay, etc. Please follow any attribution requirements from these sites.
- Website Link (if applicable)
- Any other important details about your event
Your event will be reviewed for appropriateness and may be edited or rejected consistent with event posting standards prior to posting. Please allow 10 days prior advance notice of event occurring.

Our Contact Info

We would love to hear from you.  Fill in your contact information and message and we will get back to you ASAP

Saskatchewan Horticultural Association
16 Pembroke Road
Neuanlage, SK
S0K 1X1

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